Best Way To Make A Difference Is To Support And Empower Young Adults In A Time Of Need
The foundation is named after and based on our daughter who passed away
tragically due to medical deficiency which involved a misdiagnosis of a rare brain tumor called central neurocytoma.
Make Donation
Your contribution will be used to help educate, empower and support a young adult when in need
Help Us
Our mission is to standardize by changing societal behavior to take young people seriously when in need of medical assistance
About Us
We Are On A Mission To
Empower Young Adults
To empower our college age young adults to be stronger advocates in fighting for themselves when in need of medical assistance while away at college.
Take Control Of Your Medical Care – Your Life May Depend On It
Denine’s Story
Denine was just like you.
She was a healthy college student playing Division II soccer for Missouri Southern State University. She had a zest for life that was contagious for everyone around her. She was ambitious, hard-working, and was on track to lead a really successful and meaningful life.
Why Donate Us ?
Denine’s Mission Statement
Our goal for this foundation is to educate and empower young adults, specifically college students, in understanding that in many cases when they go off to college, they will be without parental supervision and medical emergencies can occur.