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Denine Friends

Claire Babamoto

Expression of Denine

Denine was someone who could light up any room. Not all people have such a presence. She was goofy, positive, calm, energetic and simply just a good, fun person to be around. She got along with everyone. I would go to Denine for everything and anything but the most memorable moments with her were the times of uncontrollalbe stupid laughter. The saying goes that “You don’t know what you have until it is gone” but I knew the friendship I had with Denine when it was right in-front of me. She was one heck of a human being that I will never forget. She made a beautiful impact on the people who she surrounded herself with and her presence will leave an imprint on my life and anyone else’s life that she touched, for as long as we live.

xoxo-Claire babamoto

Callie Degani

Expression of Denine

Denine, a diamond amongst a pile of gems. This is often how I express Denine’s personality to others. Her confidence, beauty, kindness and positivity are many of her character traits I admired and envied. The value of trust, feelings, and emotions were always safe when shared with a friend like Denine. She encouraged the idea of going out of your comfort zone and enduring the unknown, as she always believed to live life to the absolute fullest. Her contagious smile spread like wildfire to everyone around. You are loved by more than you will ever know. Keep flying those wings.

Love you forever- Callie Degani

Tayler LePage

Expression of Denine

My soulmate in a friendship. But not only that Denine taught me so much. Not only me but others around us as well. Wherever she went she lit up a room. And if you didn’t know D, you were sure as heck going to know who D was by the end of the night. Her personality shined. It made other people shine around her. She was a bright light in this world. And I like to think she still is. I catch myself thinking “is this what D would’ve thought was ok to do?” Her kind soul rubbed off on so many. Denine is and will always be an inspiration to me with a way she had with people and always leaving a little piece of her with everyone!
Stormie Riggs

Expression of Denine

Denine was one in a million. From the moment I first met Denine she made me feel so welcomed and loved. I was new to our college and just like that Denine, Tayler, and Mara took me in as their own. Denine was the type of person who always had a smile on her face and it was contagious. She lit up a room without even knowing it. Denine was so humble, kind, fun-loving, beautiful and sang like an angel. I remember the endless nights of trying to study or work on homework that was soon turned into the 4 of us singing and dancing around the house. These were some of my favorite memories. I know she is always with us for she paints the sky in so many ways. Denine had such a beautiful soul and I believe she still expresses herself to us everyday. Although she was taken too soon, she still mode such a difference. Denine, you will forever be loved and I truly believe you changed all of our lives for the better. We love you D, forever and always.
Chloe Jackson

Expression of Denine

Denine was my very first friend in Joplin Missouri, I remember the day we met like it was yesterday, her vibrant energy and beautiful smile and just the way she was so open to meeting new people i knew we would become really good friends. The very first day we moved into the soccer house she came over and was screaming with joy when she saw me and it made me so happy to have a friend there for my first day. it was nothing but love after that first day. car pooling to school/ practice. Unlimited coffee dates and endless amounts of sleep overs. Early morning jam sessions in the car at 5 am and being a shoulder to cry on when i missed home. She became my bestfriend and i miss her more than words can ever describe.
Asli Uzumcu

Denine Childhood Friend

My sister. My best friend. My poopie. My denoonigans. My beautiful princess warrior. From middle school to today we have been through so much together, so many firsts, so many laughs, so many cries, so many adventures, so many memories. I will forever cherish every single second of ours spent together. You were always my go to person whenever I needed help, my biggest support all through out these years. We helped each other grow, cope with our inner battles, empower one another and become strong women together. We loved and supported each other unconditionally. We were always brutally honest with each other and had each other’s backs no matter what. You are the ideal and true essence of a real friend. You are and forever will be my sister. I know you will always watch over and protect me because we promised we would be there for each other no matter what. I love you with all of my heart, so deeply, so purely, and so genuinely. are always with me my Denine.
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