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Claire Babamoto
Expression of Denine
Denine was someone who could light up any room. Not all people have such a presence. She was goofy, positive, calm, energetic and simply just a good, fun person to be around. She got along with everyone. I would go to Denine for everything and anything but the most memorable moments with her were the times of uncontrollalbe stupid laughter. The saying goes that “You don’t know what you have until it is gone” but I knew the friendship I had with Denine when it was right in-front of me. She was one heck of a human being that I will never forget. She made a beautiful impact on the people who she surrounded herself with and her presence will leave an imprint on my life and anyone else’s life that she touched, for as long as we live.
xoxo-Claire babamoto

Callie Degani
Expression of Denine
Denine, a diamond amongst a pile of gems. This is often how I express Denine’s personality to others. Her confidence, beauty, kindness and positivity are many of her character traits I admired and envied. The value of trust, feelings, and emotions were always safe when shared with a friend like Denine. She encouraged the idea of going out of your comfort zone and enduring the unknown, as she always believed to live life to the absolute fullest. Her contagious smile spread like wildfire to everyone around. You are loved by more than you will ever know. Keep flying those wings.
Love you forever- Callie Degani

Tayler LePage
Expression of Denine

Stormie Riggs
Expression of Denine

Chloe Jackson
Expression of Denine