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Denine’s Story

Denine’s Story

Denine was just like you.

She was a healthy college student playing Division II soccer for Missouri Southern State University.  She had a zest for life that was contagious for everyone around her.  She was ambitious, hard-working, and was on track to lead a really successful and meaningful life.

However, all of that was cut short due to medical negligence that cost her that future. 

Denine had a rare brain tumor called Central Neurocytoma that doctors completely missed because they weren’t taking her case seriously enough.

In the last month of her life, Denine knew that something was wrong.  She reached out to her local medical establishment numerous times and was never really given the time of day due mostly to the fact that she was so young.  Her visits to urgent care doctors were quickly snubbed away, and even the EMT that was transporting her was able to talk her and her roommates out of acting more swiftly.  And HIPAA blocked key medical information from getting to those that could have helped sooner.

Eventually, when things were getting really bad, she waited hours in an emergency room – time that could have saved her, but eventually there was too much spinal fluid building up in her brain, creating a pressure that could not be recovered from.  What’s most traumatizing is that there was a surgery that could have been performed in Kansas City that would have saved her life if it had been caught early enough and handled properly. 

But that wasn’t to be.

We continue to grieve for her, but we also don’t want her experience to be in vain.  That’s why we created the Denine Foundation to raise awareness for other young people who are going away to college far away from their support system.

In the excitement of moving away from home for the first time, you never think about things going wrong – and so many young people don’t take the basic medical precautions that will cover their bases in the event of life throwing them a curveball.  Having the foresight to have a solid plan for medical emergencies is one of those things that might just save your life.

Here are some of the recommendations that we espouse at the Denine Foundation:

  • Ensure that you know who your primary physician is going to be, and where they are located.
  • Identify the nearest trauma center and map out how to get there from all the relevant locations.
  • Look to build relationships with other adults or professionals who can become confidants for you, if you ever need help or advice.
  • Make sure your medical insurance information is easily accessible and quick to retrieve.
  • Understand how HIPAA affects your level of care and how the medical industry will deal with you.
  • Find out if you should have a medical power of attorney.

These are just some of the practical suggestions that you should be taking into consideration as you plan your college experience.  But even more importantly, you need to empower yourself with the knowledge, skills, and confidence to take your own health seriously. 

Don’t get pushed around by other people that try to minimize your concerns. 

Stand up for yourself and never doubt your gut intuitions.

Your life may depend on it.

Denine’s Siblings
Denine’s Music Oriented Pics

Denine’s Sports Oriented Pics