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Rancho Palos Verdes, CA 90275

PO Box 962

Palos Verdes Estates CA 90274

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About Us

About Us

We Are In A Mission To
Empower Young Adults

To empower our college age young adults to be stronger advocates in fighting for themselves when in need of medical assistance while away at college.
D etermined
Make a firm decision and resolved not to change it
E ducated
Become educated in your plight
N otable
Worthy of attention and notice
I nformed
Have all the information or knowledge you need.
N urtured
Encourage the growth and development of yourself.
E mpowered
You are strong and confident in matters relating to you.
About Us

We Are On A Mission To
Empower Young Adults

To empower our college age young adults to be stronger advocates in fighting for themselves when in need of medical assistance while away at college.
D etermined
Make a firm decision and resolved not to change it
E ducated
Become educated in your plight
N otable
Worthy of attention and notice
I nformed
Have all the information or knowledge you need.
N urtured
Encourage the growth and development of yourself.
E mpowered
You are strong and confident in matters relating to you.
Help Us

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